Junior Adventures are a series of three e-books illustrated by Enrique Tortosa, Matej de Cecco, and Robert Valčić in cooperation with Agency 101.
Junior Adventures are a series of three e-books illustrated by Enrique Tortosa, Matej de Cecco, and Robert Valčić in cooperation with Agency 101.
Comic book made by Robert Valčić for Neostik.
Argeta Junior interactive fairy tales with unique illustartions made by Enrique Tortosa, Matej de Cecco and Robert Valčić in cooperation with Agency 101.
Having fun at Aquapark MartiLandia, by Robert Valčić.
This awesome Elvis wannabe was created with the love me tender hands of our Robert Valčić. Honestly, this illustrated ad for Ombia cotton swabs, coordinated by Saatchi Agency, AD Miha Grobler (client: Hofer), makes us all go very viva Las Vegas.
When olympic spirit meets school stationery, the knowledge surely flows faster, further and sets deeper.
Robert Valčić illustrations were comissioned by Publicis agency for the Slovenian Olympic Committee.